COVERED A Body of Work By Jen Seidel
A few years ago, I had made up my mind that I was going to document my work in a beautiful coffee table body painting art book and I knew it was going to be my next project. BUT, I had no idea what it would take to create a book like this, especially a book of high quality body art images of my work involving so many other people. Like anything, if you put it out into the Universe it will come to you so I had faith. The first step was coming up with the title. After toying with several different names, COVERED stuck. I must give credit to my writer Joanna and my mother, Linda Seidel. When I heard it, I knew that was the perfect name for this project!
It will feature all of my best work of body painted women and men from photo shoots and events over the years.
The book will feature all of Jen’s best work of body painted women and men from photo shoots and events over the years. Images from events like The Baltimore Ravens, Nordstrom- Department Store and The Red Devils supporting breast cancer will be featured among many others.
An exact release date for COVERED A BODY OF WORK BY JEN SEIDEL has not yet been confirmed. Once the date is released there will be a link where the book can be purchased.