I was so excited to be able to attend the Baltimore Salsa and Bachata Congress   I recently started dancing again as a hobby and a fun way to exercise, and I rediscovered my passion for dancing and how it inspires my bodypaint art. I was given the opportunity to showcase my artwork at the convention with my body painted models on Friday April 14th with the logo for the event, my logo, and a salsa dress. The first night with the models with the logos many people didn’t realize that they were painted and some didn’t even figure it out until the next day.

bodypainted models outside Baltimore












On Saturday I got the opportunity to bodypaint the outfit for the performer and dancer Stephen Jackson. This piece was me creating his inner views on the evolution of dance and bringing people together which is parallel to the way I view my art. Stephen brings so much passion to the dance community and he recognized my passion and trusted me to be able to deliver his vision through my painting and therefore we created a masterpiece together. This unique piece encaptured a piece of ourselves that cannot be duplicated and I am so grateful. The bodypaint itself took 5 hours and knowing that Stephen’s performance was high energy I was nervous that it wouldn’t last through his time on stage, but it did with some trial and error. We made it work and it opened up new opportunities to paint other performers in the future.

Stay tuned for the video of Stephen Jackson’s performance with my artwork!

If you want to see more pictures from my latest projects, check out my social media!

Jen Seidel Artist  Jen Seidel Artist Instagram  Jen Seidel Artist Twitter

For all other booking and inquiries please refer to my website JenSeidel.com

Dancer in BodyPaint